Regulation of neuronal signal by protein transduction


   Masayuki Matsushita


     Department of Physiology, Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine and Dentistry, 2-5-1 Shikata-cho, Okayama 700-8558, Japan.


   Proteins and peptides have been demonstrated to penetrate across the plasma membrane of eukaryotic cells by protein transduction domains (PTD). We show that protein transduction by 11 arginine (11R) is an efficient method of delivering proteins into the neurons of primary culture and brain slices. Previously, we showed that PKA inhibitory peptide, fused with 11R and nuclear localization signal (NLS), delivers the peptide exclusively into the nuclear compartment of neurons in brain slices. This inhibitory peptide blocked both CREB phosphorylation and Long-lasting Long-term potentiation (L-LTP) induction but not Early LTP (E-LTP).In this study, we used 11R protein transduction domain to create the potential neuroprotective peptides as a therapeutic agent in excitatory

neuronal cell death.

   Of the prime cascade involved in excitatory neuronal death, calcium signaling throws the NMDA receptor play a critical role. Therefore, we created the NR2B inhibitor peptide and calcineurin (PP2B) autoinhibitory peptide fused with 11R. These cell permeable peptides significantly protected culture neuron from excitatory neuronal cell death. Protein structures of many signaling molecules will be become available in the near future, so inhibitor peptides of protein interaction could theoretically be designed.

   The cell-permeable inhibitor peptides used in these experiments clearly shows that a peptide delivery system using poly arginine opens new possibilities for the development of novel peptide drugs in the form of peptide therapy.



Matsushita, M. et al. A high-efficiency protein transduction system demonstrating the role of PKA in long-lasting long-term proteintiation. J. Neurosci. 21, 6000-6007 (2001).