In this laboratory, we made a mathematical neural network model that mimics the activity of various nerve cells in order to elucidate the structure of neural information processing. Currently, we are working on a model of the hippocampus, which plays a role in memory in the brain, a model related to irregular pulse rate in heart cells, a sleep pattern model for children with autism and a model of taste bud nerve cells. In all of these cases, the use of mathematical models is essential in analyzing the complex experimental data obtained from living organisms. For example, in the study of the hippocampus, accurate mathematical models that mimic the real thing as closely as possible can lead to greater understanding of what memory really is and how the brain processes information. The results can in turn be applied to the development of new memory devices that more closely resemble the workings of the brain.

Even if they attempt to make a device incorporating neural cell mechanisms, students majoring in engineering fields will be unable to decode the complex data obtained from live animal experiments. If, however, they have a mathematical model, they will be able to analyze the data and apply it in an easily understood way to engineering fields. In our particular field of research, which combines several disciplines, mathematical models that bridge the gap between life sciences and engineering are important tools. In this program therefore, we teach students the basic steps in making such models from how to develop numerical formulas to how to use specialized simulation software. We accommodate students who have experimental data but lack the knowledge to formulate models as well as engineering students who have never conducted live animal experiments and have each student make their own model.

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