2009年2月12日(木) (会場 2F 講義室1)

Image processing, optimization and feature extraction using Unit-linking PCNN」
○顧 暁東 (Xiaodong Gu)
復旦大学電子工程系(中国・上海)(Dept Electronic Engineering, Fudan University, Shanghai, 200433, P.R. China)

Pulse coupled neural networks (PCNN) is a spatio-temporal-coding Spiking Neural Network(SNN) model, exhibiting the phenomena of synchronous pulse bursts in the cat or the monkey visual cortex. The main characteristics of PCNN include double-channel-multiplying modulation, pulse-spread in parallel and dynamic threshold. Unit-linking PCNN (Pulse Coupled Neural Network) is the simplified model of PCNN, which retains main characteristics of PCNN, and is easier to control and implement by hardware. This report introduces our part work in image processing, optimization and feature extraction using Unit-linking PCNN.

In image processing, this report presents image shadow removal, image thinning, free-parameter image segmentation, image edge detection based on Unit-linking PCNN with discussions.

In optimization, how to use delay Unit-linking PCNN to find the shortest path is introduced. This method can find the shortest path with the minimum effort, and is only related to the length of the shortest path, and independent to the path graph complexity. Compared with C&K approach, it saves a large amount of neurons.

In feature extraction, we used Unit-linking PCNN to code a 2-dimensional image into a 1-dimensional time sequence called global Unit-linking PCNN image icon or time signature, including features of the original image and having the translation, rotation, and scale invariance. Dividing an image into multiple parts can obtain local Unit-linking PCNN image icons corresponding to the image's local regions, which can reflect the local changes of the image. The global and the local Unit-linking PCNN image icons are used in navigation, object detection, and image authentication. In navigation, first the robot was trained, and after training the robot was put in the same surroundings and walked automatically. In training, Hierarchical Discriminant Regression (HDR) uses features of the frames of the video captured by the camera (the eye of the robot), to build HDR tree. In test, the robot searches the HDR tree built in training to obtain the actions corresponding to current features to navigate itself to the destination. We used the global Unit-linking PCNN image icon for the non-stationary-video navigation, and used both the global and the local Unit-linking PCNN image icons together for the stationary-video navigation. Global Unit-linking PCNN image icon shows qualified performance especially in non-stationary-video navigation. For the non-stationary-video navigation (machine dog AIBO), the success rate of the navigation based on global Unit-linking PCNN image icon increased by 35% than based on CCIPCA (Candid Covariance-free Incremental Principal Component Analysis) projecting coefficients because of the translation, rotation invariance of the global Unit-linking PCNN image icon. For the stationary-video navigation (the robot FUDAN-I), the navigation success rate based on Unit-linking PCNN image icon was more than 97% and the navigation success rate based on CCIPCA was 96%. Object detection using global Unit-linking PCNN image icon, is independent of variances of translation, rotation, and scale, and object segmentation is avoided. In image authentication, using local Unit-linking PCNN image icon can authenticate correctly some juggled images failed to authenticate by using local histogram or local mean intensity, and can locate the juggled positions in the juggled images with some accuracy.

X. Gu X. Gu 会場の様子 講演後の様子


2009年2月5日(木) (会場 2F 講義室2)

○花沢 明俊


A. Hanazawa 会場の様子 会場の様子 講演後の様子



「てんかん治療の最近の話題 -経頭蓋磁気刺激, てんかん外科治療, 新規抗てんかん薬-」
○赤松 直樹





N. Akamatsu 会場の様子 会場の様子 講演後の様子



○磯貝 浩久


H. Isogai 会場の様子


2008年9月4日(木) 13:30-14:45

「How does epileptiform activity affect ion channels, neurons and neuronal networks?」
○S.K. Sikdar
Molecular Biophysics Unit, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India

Epilepsy is a neurological disorder characterized by synchronized and uncontrolled electrical activity in neurons. One of our research aims has been to understand how epileptiform activity affects the brain at the molecular/channel, neuronal and neuronal network level. Towards this end, we use a combination of electrophysiological and imaging methods.

One of the manifestations of epileptiform activity is the 'eparoxysmal depolarizing shift' in membrane potential that lasts for seconds to minutes. How does this affect voltage gated Na channels that regulate neuronal firing? Studies on rat brain voltage gated sodium channels expressed in CHO cells revealed pseudo-periodic oscillation in the channel properties characterized by HH formalisms, which could influence action potential firing in simulation.

Some forms of epilepsy are characterized by holes in the brain due to neuronal death that is preceded by uncontrolled Ca rise in the neurons. Studies on autaptic hippocampal neurons in culture, in a kynurenate model of epileptiform activity, revealed changes in the calcium diffusion coefficients in neuronal dendrites. In combined hippocampus-entorhinal cortex brain slice experiments, faster decays in the calcium transients were seen in the distal dendrites of subicular neurons compared to control that were associated with Ca exchange mechanism.

Understanding neuronal network properties the brain, in 3D is a difficult proposition. Studies on hippocampal neurons cultured on planar 8x8 multielectrode arrays in a glutamate injury model of epileptiform activity indicated that small world network properties are lost in the epileptic (glutamate-injured) neuronal networks.

S. K. Sikdar 会場の様子 会場の様子 会場の様子



○古江 秀昌


H. Furue 会場の様子



○豊島 孝之


T. Toyoshima 会場の様子 会場の様子



○林 初男、五十嵐 潤

  脳の至る所に雑音が存在する。脳の内部で生じたものもあれば、感覚信号に含まれているものもあるであろう。脳はこれらの雑音を巧く利用しているようにも見えるが、一方では脳の学習・記憶機能などに悪影響を与えているようにも見える。たとえば、stochastic resonanceやnoise-induced synchronizationのような非線形現象は微弱な信号の検出などに使え、脳の機能にとっても有用である。しかし、シナプスがスパイクタイミングに依存した可塑性(STDP)を示す場合、雑音によるニューロンのランダム発火は意味無くシナプス結合の強さを変化させるので、記憶の形成や保持が曖昧になる可能性がある。

H. Hayashi 会場の様子 会場の様子