Department of Human Intelligence Systems Dr. Katsumi Tateno Lab


Oral presentation: 11th International Symposium on Applied Engineering and Sciences (SAES2023)
Yuya Ito, Katsumi Tateno, "Spiking recurrent neural network for spatial grid representation of entorhinal cortex for neuromorphic implementation"
Paper accepted: Biology Open
"Frequency-dependent avoidance movement of glass catfish in response to sinusoidal electrical stimulation and associated spiking patterns of electroreceptors," Yu Adachi, Katsumi Tateno
Poster presentation: The 4th International Symposium on Neuromorphic AI Hardware
Takahiro Fukushima, Kensuke Takada, and Katsumi Tateno, "Emergence of replay of path-dependent place cells in entorhinal cortexhippocampus spiking neural network on linear track"
Yuka Shishido, Osamu Nomura, Katsumi Tateno, Hakaru Tamukoh, and Takashi Morie, "CMOS VLSI implementation of a hippocampal conjunctive place-cue cells network"
Akinobu Mizutani, Ichiro Kawashima, Yuichiro Tanaka, Hakaru Tamukoh, Katsumi Tateno, Osamu Nomura, and Takashi Morie, "Hardware-oriented Brain-inspired Model with Memory Accumulation and Recall Functions to Generate Actions of Home Service Robots"
Oral presentation: The 4th International Symposium on Neuromorphic AI Hardware
Katsumi Tateno and Kensuke Takada, "Parallel computation of entorhinal cortex-hippocampal spiking neural network and its applications in reward-based maze tasks"
Poster presentation: Neuroscience 2022
Kensuke Takada & Katsumi Tateno, "A hippocampal spiking neural network model for replay and place-field deformation in spatial learning"
Paper accepted: IEEE Access
Hiroki Nakagawa, Katsumi Tateno, Kensuke Takada & Takashi Morie, "A Neural Network Model of the Entorhinal Cortex and Hippocampus for Event-order Memory Processing"
Poster presentation: 3rd Neumorh symposium
"Recurrent spiking neural network for self-licalization inspired by medial entorhinal cortex", Mau Tanoue, Katsumi Tateno
"A memory-based LSI architecture for entorhinal-hippocamal model", Osamu Nomura, Ichiro Kawashima, Seiji Uenohara, Yuichiro Tanaka, Akinobu Mizutani, Kensuke Takada, Katsumi Tateno, Hakaru Tamukoh, Takashi Morie
Oral presentation: 3rd Neumorh symposium
"Memory-based action planning inspired by hippocampal replay", Akinobu Mizumori, Yuichiro Tanaka, Ichiro Kawashima, Hakaru Tamukoh, Katsumi Tateno, Takashi Morie
Oral presentation: BFBC2022
"A situation-dependent navigation system by brain-inspired neural networks with hippocampus, prefrontal cortex, and amygdala functions", Akinobu Mizutani, Yuichiro Tanaka, Hakaru Tamukoh, Yuichi Katori, Katsumi Tateno and Takashi Morie
Paper accepted: NOLTA
"Real-time computation of a large-scaled entorhinal-hippocampal spiking neural network using GPU acceleration," Kensuke Takada, Katsumi Tateno
Oral presentation: NLSW2021
"Real-time computation of a large-scaled entorhinal-hippocampal spiking neural network using GPU acceleration",Kensuke Takada, Katsumi Tateno
Oral presentation: SAES2021
"Spiking neural network model encoding the position of others for spatial observational learning",Katsuya chiguchi, Katsumi Tateno
Oral presentation: ISPACS2021
"Brain-Inspired Neural Network Navigation System with Hippocampus, Prefrontal Cortex, and Amygdala Functions", Akinobu Mizutani, Yuichiro Tanaka, Hakaru Tamukoh, Yuichi Katori, Katsumi Tateno and Takashi Morie
Poster presentation: JNNS2021
"A spiking neural network model for aquisition and retrieval of the hippocampal replay using cholinergic suppression nad theta rhtyhm", Kensuke Takada, Katsumi Tateno
Katsumi received the Service Award from the NOLTA Society, IEICE.
Oral presentation: NOLTA2020
"A Reservoir Based Q-Learning Model for Autonomous Mobile Robots", Masafumi Inada, Yuichiro Tanaka, Hakaru Tamukoh, Katsumi Tateno, Takashi Morie, Yuichi Katori
Oral presentation: NOLTA2020
"A Hippocampus Model for Episodic Memory Processing Using Associative Memory", Hiroki Nakagawa, Katsumi Tateno, Kensuke Takada, Takashi Morie
"A Brain-Inspired Artificial Intelligence Model of Hippocampus, Amygdala, and Prefrontal Cortex on Home Service Robots", Yuichiro Tanaka, Hakaru Tamukoh, Katsumi Tateno, Yuichi Katori, Takashi Morie
Oral presentation: The workshop of Technical Committee on Nonlinear Problems
"Detection of planktonic prey in glass catfish in a dark room",Sena Nishio, Katsumi Tateno
Research Center for Neuromorphic AI Hardware has been established.
The workshop of Technical Committee on Nonlinear Problems: The oral presenations have been canceled due to COVID-19, but the papers were accepted.
"Learning of action selection with a spiking neural network for encoding path-dependent place information", Katsumi Tateno, Kensuke Takada
Oral presentation: The workshop of Technical Committee on Nonlinear Problems
"Action control of a prefrontal cortex model based on hippocampal context-dependent input and reward-triggered synaptic plasticity in a contextual task", Mau Tanoue, Katsumi Tateno
Oral presentation: SAES2019
"Predatory Behavior of Glass Catfish Under a Dark Condition", Sena Nishio, Katsumi Tateno
"Delay Conditioning for Glass Catfish with Electric Stimulus as Conditioned Stimulus", Ryoya Ito, Katsumi Tateno
Paper accepted: ICIC Express Letters
"Counting algorithm for sequential optical images of immunoreactive mouse taste-bud cells", Katsumi Tateno, Osamu Shiku, Yoshitaka Ohtubo
Oral presentation: The workshop of Technical Committee on Nonlinear Problems
"Behavior of glass catfish in response to visual motion patterns", Shizhang Lyu, Katsumi Tateno
Oral presentation: JNNS2019
"A brain-inspired artificial intelligence model with functions of hippocampus, amygdala, and prefrontal cortex", Yuichiro Tanaka, Hakaru Tamukoh, Katsumi Tateno, Yuichi Katori, Takashi Morie
Poster presentation: SAES2018
"A concerted spiking induced by a random pulse in uncoupled non-identical neuron models", Osamu Nakamura, Katsumi Tateno
Poster presentation: JNNS2018
"A Hippocampal Spiking Neural Network Model for Path-Dependent Place Cells", Masashi Kawauchi, Kensuke Takada, Katsumi Tateno, Takashi Morie
Poster presentation: FENS Forum 2018
"Effects of synaptic properties on time cell-like firing based on attractor dynamics", Kensuke Takada, Katsumi Tateno
Oral presentation: The Leon Glass and Michael C. Mackey Diamond Symposium
"Electroreception in glass catfish", Katsumi Tateno
Oral presentation: NLP
"Response properties of electrosensory fibers and movement behavior to sinusoidal electric stimulation in glass catfish ", Yu Adachi, Katsumi Tateno
Poster presentation: Neuroscience 2017
"Comparative study of movement behavior and spiking patterns of the electrosensory nerves in glass catfish under sinusoidal electrical stimulation", Yu Adachi, Katsumi Tateno
"Attractor transitions for time cell-like elapsed time dependent activity in a hippocampal CA1-CA3 network model", Kensuke Takada, Katsumi Tateno
Our new paper on a bioinspired glucose nanobiosensor is available open access from Scientific Reports.
Open Campus
Poster presentation: Symposium of Applied Engineering and Sciences 2016
Oral presentation: 3rd International Conference on Computational Methods in Engineering and Health Sciences (ICCMEH2016)
Poster presentation: The 33th Annual Conference of the Japan Ethological Society
Oral presentation: Advances in Neuroinformatics 2014 (AINI2014)
" Cell-type-dependent action potentials of mouse taste bud cell models" , Katsumi Tateno, Yoshitaka Ohtubo, Kenji Kimura, Keita Takeuchi, Takashi Kumazawa, Kiyonori Yoshii
Poster presentation: The 24th Annual Conference of the Japanese Neural Network Society (JNNS2014)
"Simple neuron models of the perirhinal cortex", Katsumi Tateno, Saizo Hayama, Motoharu Yoshida
A group of high school students visited our lab.