「夏目道場」道場主 神経情報処理講座 神経回路情報処理教授 薬学博士夏目季代久
Our research focuses specifically on the learning process. Using electrophysiological experiments and computational simulations, we are investigating to identify what role brain rhythm plays in information processing. As theta rhythms are thought to be intimately related to memory and learning, we have been measuring the successive changes in power of the rhythms of subjects as they learned the second language in order to study the relationship between theta rhythm and the learning process. By clarifying the relationship between brain rhythms and the information processing in brain, we hope to expand our research to develop brain-computer interface.

We provide students with opportunities to experience the various brain rhythms firsthand through electrophysiological experiments using brain slices. Students remove a slice of hippocampus from the brain of a rat or a guinea pig, insert electrodes and measure brain rhythms. Many people assume that brain activity is merely a response to some form of stimuli. In our view, however, the brain also works autonomously even without stimuli and this information processing aspect is expressed as rhythms. We wish to give students from all engineering fields the chance to see with their own eyes how autonomous brain rhythms occur in neural networks within the brain.

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