

・夏目季代久、米澤将、藤瀬雅大、岡本達也、"第8節 ブレイン・コンピュータ・インタフェースを用いたゲームの実用化に向けた研究" 『次世代インターフェース開発の最前線』、NTS出版、(2013 4月刊行)


・夏目季代久、中司弘樹、"脳内で観察される周波数の異なる神経振動"、日本神経回路学会誌、Vol.20(1), pp.3-6 (2013).


・小柳諒輔・小島 昇・夏目季代久、"脳波を用いた音楽嗜好性検出システム開発に向けた基礎的研究"、NLP研究会(福岡)(2013)

・米澤 将・藤瀬雅大・夏目季代久、"ロールプレイングゲームを用いたセルフメンタルリハビリテーションシステムの提案"、MVE研究会(福岡)、(2013)(ショート口演)


・Hiroki Nakatsuka and Kiyohisa Natsume,"Synaptic plasticity has light-dark differences in rat hippocampal slices", The Second BMIRC International Symposium on Advances in Bioinformatics and Medical Engineering (BMIRC 2014), (2014)(Fukuoka)(Poster).

・Kiyohisa Natsume, "The proposal for the music therapy system using electroencephalography", The Second BMIRC International Symposium on Advances in Bioinformatics and Medical Engineering (BMIRC 2014), (2014)(Fukuoka)(Oral).

・Akinari Onishi and Kiyohisa Natsume,”A New Online Event Related Potential Based Brain-Computer Interfaces Using an Ensemble Classifier”, 6th International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering (NER2013) (2013) (San Diego, USA) (Accepted, Poster).

・Akinari Onishi, and Kiyohisa Natsume, “Ensemble Regularized Linear Discriminant Analysis Classifier For P300-based Brain-Computer Interface” EMBC2013 (2013) (Osaka) (Accepted, Poster).

・Itsuki Kageyama, and Kiyohisa Natsume, "Carbachol-induced neuronal oscillation in rat hippocampal slices and temperature", ICCN2013 (2013) (Sweden) (accept, poster).

・Hiroki Nakatsuka and Kiyohisa Natsume, "Neuronal rhythm and synaptic plasticity modulated with light-dark cycle in rat hippocampal slices", Neuro2013 (2013) (Kyoto) (accept, poster).

・Touma Katayama, and Kiyohisa Natsume, "The differences of regional EEG coherence when you are bored", Neuro2013 (2013) (Kyoto) (accept, poster).

・Kageyama Itsuki, and Kiyohisa Natsume, "Experimental verification of dynamical cell assembly (DCA) with the nerve rhythm. - Is DCA characterized by a kind of the nerve rhythm?" Neuro2013 (2013) Kyoto (accept, poster).

・Ryousuke Koyanagi, Noboru Kojima and Kiyohisa Natsume, "Music preference distinction by EEG", Neuro2013 (2013) (Kyoto) (accept, poster).

・Toyohiro Sawada, and Kiyohisa Natsume, “Disinhibition-induced epileptic discharges in rat hippocampal slices”, Neuro2013 (2013) (Kyoto) (accept, poster).

・Kiyohisa Natsume, "Brain computer interface using human brain waves",The First BMIRC International Symposium on Frontiers in Computational Systems Biology and Bioengineering (2013) (Fukuoka) (Oral).

・Hiroki Nakatsuka and Kiyohisa Natsume, "Neuronal rhythm and long-term potentiation modulated by the circadian cycle in rat hippocampal slices" ,The First BMIRC International Symposium on Frontiers in Computational Systems Biology and Bioengineering (2013) (Fukuoka) (Poster).

