

・Kiyohisa Natsume, Foreword of "Special section on recent progress in nonlinear theory and its applications", NOLTA, IEICE (2019).


・Yuya Tsuji, Ryousuke Koyanagi, Noboru Kojima, Hirokazu Sadahisa, and Kiyohisa Natsume, "Brain rhythm related to the subjective music preferences", Special Section on Recent Progress in Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications, Volume 10 Issue 2 Pages 249-255, 2019.(査読有り)

・永井あけみ、長弘千恵、山本真弓、花沢明俊、夏目季代久、”脳卒中片麻痺手の機能改善に有効な手浴方法の提案”、形態機能、Vol. 17(2)、pp. 86-93、2019.(査読有り)


・早田 孝明、定久 裕和、辻 湧弥、夏目 季代久, “音楽嗜好性脳波の位相同期解析” MBE研究会(2019;2019.1.31−2.1)(佐賀、佐賀)





・T. Sawada, and K. Natsume, "Phasic inhibition in the interval of carbachol-induced βoscillation in rat hippocampal slices." FAOPS2019 (Kobe, Kobe) (2019/3/28-31).


・H. Sadahisa, and K. Natsume,“Social exclusion transiently changes the music-preference and the related electroencephalogram”Neuro2019 (Niigata, Niigata) (2019/7/25-28).

・M. Shigemoto and K. Natsume,“Constant dark condition suppresses the diurnal modulation of carbachol-induced oscillations in rat hippocampal slices.” Neuro2019 (Niigata, Niigata) (2019/7/25-28).

・T. Sawada, and K. Natsume, "The involvement of the adenosine A1 receptor in the suppression of the epileptic discharges by carbachol-induced beta oscillation in rat hippocampal slices." Neuro2019 (Niigata, Niigata) (2019/7/25-28).

・M. Shigemoto, and K. Natsume, "Diurnal rhythm modulates the frequency of carbachol-induced beta oscillations in rat hippocampal slices.", SFN2019 (Chicago, USA) (2019/10/19-23).

・Hong Liu, and Kiyohisa Natsume, "A Study of EEG during English Rhythm Learning by Chinese Native Speakers", SAES2019 (UPM, Malaysia)(2019/11/11-12).

・Hirokazu Sadahisa, and Ki yohisa Natsume,"Mood Change induces the C hange in Music Preference and in Electroencephalogram", NOLTA2019 (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)(2019/12/2-6).

・重本昌也、夏目季代久, "明暗条件と恒常暗条件で観測される、ラット海馬スライスにおけるカルバコール誘導脳波様振動の日内調節", 「次世代脳冬のシンポジウム」(東京、東京) (2019/12/19).