九州工業大学 大学院生命体工学研究科 人間知能システム工学専攻 人間機能代行システム研究室



学術論文/Peer-reviewed journal paper

  1. Krisna Pinasthika, Fitri Utaminingrum, Chih‑Yang Lin, Chikamune Wada, Timothy K. Shih, “Deciphering pixel insights: A deep dive into deep learning strategies for enhanced indoor depth estimation”, International Journal of Information Management Data Insights, 4, 1, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jjimei.2024.100216, 2024/02/14. (19pages)
  2. Kodai Kitagawa, Chikamune Wada, Nobuyuki Toya, "Foot Clearance Prediction using Wrist Acceleration and Gait Speed", Journal of Electronics, Electromedical Engineering, and Medical Informatics, Vol.6, No.1, pp.32-39, 2024/01.
  3. Shinji Eto, Yasuhiro Wada, and Chikamune Wada, “Convolutional Neural Network Based Zebra Crossing and Pedestrian Traffic Light Recognition”, Journal of Mechanical and Electrical Intelligent System, Vol.6, No.3, pp.1-11, 2023/12/26.
  4. Mitsumasa Hida, Ryota Imai, Misa Nakamura, Hidetoshi Nakao, Kodai Kitagawa, Chikamune Wada, Shinji Eto, Masatoshi Takeda and Masakazu Imaoka, “Investigation of factors influencing low physical activity levels in community-dwelling older adults with chronic pain: a cross-sectional study”, Scientific Reports, volume 13, Article number: 14062(7 pages), 2023/08/28.
  5. 山本裕晃,岡松将吾,北川広大,和田親宗,変形性膝関節症患者の立ち上がり動作時の関節角度に対する膝装具の効果 ─異なる装着圧力による比較─,日本義肢装具学会誌,39(3), 219-224, 2023/07/07.
  6. Takashi ASAKAWA, Haruka MATOBA, Daiki HORIMOTO and Chikamune WADA, “Method for improving GPS high-positioning using microwave absorbers for walking movement support”, Mechanical Engineering Letters, Vol.9, pp.1-7, 2023/05/18. DOI: 10.1299/mel.23-00125
  7. Mitsumasa Hida, Shinji Eto, Chikamune Wada, Kodai Kitagawa, Masakazu Imaoka, Misa Nakamura, Ryota Imai, Takanari Kubo, Takao Inoue, Keiko Sakai, Junya Orui, Fumie Tazaki, Masatoshi Takeda, Ayuna Hasegawa, Kota Yamasaka, and Hidetoshi Nakao, “Development of Hallux Valgus Classification Using Digital Foot Images with Machine Learning”, Life 2023, 13(5), 1146; https://doi.org/10.3390/life13051146, (8pages), 2023/05/09.
  8. Rio Arifando, Shinji Eto, and Chikamune Wada, “Improved YOLOv5-Based Lightweight Object Detection Algorithm for People with Visual Impairment to Detect Buses”, Appl. Sci. 2023, 13(9), 5802; https://doi.org/10.3390/app13095802, (19pages), 2023/05/08.
  9. Kodai Kitagawa, Hayato Nodagashira, Tadateru Kurosawa, Hinako Maeyama, and Chikamune Wada, "Compressive and Shear Forces of L5/S1 during Patient Transfer in Different Loads on Hands", International Journal of Pharma Medicine and Biological Sciences, Vol.12, No.2, pp.21-25, doi: 10.18178/ijpmbs.12.2.21-25, 2023/04/10.
  10. Romy Budhi Widodo, Hanfrey Djaya Winataharto, Mochamad Subianto, Rudy Setiawan, Joseph Dedy Irawan, Chikamune Wada, "Orientation-based classification of sit-to-stand activity using Artificial Neural Network in real-time", World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, Vol.17, No.3, pp.307-317, 2023/03.
  11. 倉岡宏幸,和田親宗,三宅晋司:感覚取り入れ型課題遂行時におけるフロー状態と自律神経系活動,産業保健人間工学,23(1),15-24,2023/02/15.
  12. Takanori Yoshida and Chikamune Wada, “Improvement of Physical Activity Estimation Using the Inertial Measurement Unit based Cane Measurement Device”, Journal of Mechanical and Electrical Intelligent System, Vol.6, No.1, pp.31-44, 2023/01/30.
  13. Kawthar Abdul Rahman, Siti Anom Ahmad, Azura Che Soh, Asmidawati Ashari, Chikamune Wada, Alpha Agape Gopalai, “Improving Fall Detection Devices for Older Adults Using Quality Function Deployment (QFD) Approach”, Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine, Volume 9, pp.1–10, https://doi.org/10.1177/23337214221148245, 2023/01/10.
  14. Kodai Kitagawa, Koji Matsumoto, Hayato Nodagashira, Takayuki Nagasaki, Sota Nakano, Mitsumasa Hida, Shogo Okamatsu, Chikamune Wada, “Foot Placement and Arm Movement Combination while Turning Patients to Prevent Lower Back Pain”, International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences Vol. 10(5), pp.1060 – 1066, DOI: 10.13189/saj.2022.100524, 2022/10/25.
  15. Yuta Zenmyou, Kei Kawakami, Masaki Goto, Kazuya Watanabe, Nobuhiro Okamoto, Mariko Yoshida, Hiroaki Yamamoto, Chikamune Wada, “A survey of physical and occupational therapists’ views on lumbar loading movements”, Journal of Physical Therapy Science, Volume 34, Issue 10, Pages 683-688, 2022/10/01. https://doi.org/10.1589/jpts.34.683
  16. 三上隼人,土谷圭央,田中孝之,和田親宗,“残存機能を活用した立ち座り動作支援機器における適正アシスト力の選定と評価”,産業応用工学会論文誌,Vol.10,No.2,pp.82-89,2022/09/15. DOI: https://doi.org/10.12792/jjiiae.10.2.82
  17. Hiroaki Yamamoto, Masahide Endo, Tomohiro Baba and Chikamune Wada, “Effect of Knee Orthosis on Lateral Thrust in Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis”, Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal, Volume 7, Issue 5, pp.41-45, 2022/09/14.
  18. 山本裕晃, 岡松将吾,北川広大, 和田親宗, 変形性膝関節症患者の関節位置覚に対する膝装具の効果ー装具の装着圧力に着目した解析ー, リハビリテーション・エンジニアリング, Vol.37, pp.91-96, 2022/05.
  19. Sho Sasaki, Hiroaki Yamamoto, Kodai Kitagawa, and Chikamune Wada, "Identification of causes of falls during preimpact falls", Journal of Physical Therapy Science, Vol.34, No.4, pp.320-326, 2022. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1589/jpts.34.320, 2022/04/08.
  20. 宮田充, 和田親宗, 小林俊哉, “聴覚障害者や難聴者の方々の胃部X線検査受診における胃部X線検査支援システムの有用性について”, 日本診療放射線技師会誌, Vol.69, No. 832, pp.22-29, 2022/02.
  21. Hiroaki Yamamoto, Shogo Okamatsu, Kodai Kitagawa, and Chikamune Wada, “Effect of Knee Orthosis Pressure Variation on Muscle Activities during Sit-to-Stand Motion in Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis”, Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19(3), 1341; https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph19031341 (registering DOI), 2022/01/25.
  22. 山本裕晃・岡松将吾・北川広大・和田親宗,立ち上がり動作における軟性膝装具の装着圧力の時間的変化,理学療法科学,Vol.36,pp.859-863,2021/12.
  23. Tetsuya Yoneda, Takeshi Yamakawa and Chikamune Wada, “Modeling of the Vasorelaxation Mechanism by Acupuncture/Moxibustion Stimulation for Preventing Arteriosclerosis -Review Paper-”, International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control (IJICIC), Vol. 17, No. 6, pp, 1989-2017,2021/12. DOI: 10.24507/ijicic.17.06.1989
  24. Kodai Kitagawa, Kotaro Yamamoto, Chikamune Wada, "Relationship between Foot Position and Lumbar Loads While Turning Patients on a Bed: An Investigation via Computational Simulation and Electromyography", International Journal of Online and Biomedical Engineering, Vol.17, No.10, pp.131-143, 2021/10.
  25. Kodai Kitagawa, Ibai Gorordo Fernandez, Takayuki Nagasaki, Sota Nakano,Mitsumasa Hida, Shogo Okamatsu, and Chikamune Wada, "Foot Position Measurement during Assistive Motion for Sit-to-Stand using a Single Inertial Sensor and Shoe-type Force Sensors", International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Vol.18, No.19, p.10481 (18 pages), 2021/10.
  26. Kodai Kitagawa, Koji Matsumoto, Kensuke Iwanaga, Siti Anom Ahmad, Takayuki Nagasaki, Sota Nakano, Mitsumasa Hida, Shogo Okamatsu, and Chikamune Wada, "Measurement Method for Erector Spinae Muscle Activity during Patient Handling Using Inertial Sensor and Shoe-type Force Sensor," International Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering & Telecommunications, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 283-287, 2021/07. Doi:10.18178/ijeetc.10.4.283-287
  27. Hiroaki Yamamoto and Chikamune Wada, “Knee joint angle sensing in healthy young adults using flexible orthosis with different wearing pressure”, J. Phys. Ther. Sci. 33: 537–539, 2021/07.
  28. 山本裕晃, 北川広大, 和田親宗, 理学療法学科初年次学生の装具に関する認識 ─計量テキスト分析による解析─, 理学療法福岡, Vol.34, pp.120-123, 2021/05.
  29. Mitsumasa Hida, Ayuna Hasegawa, Sachiyo Kamitani, Yumi Kamitani, Kodai Kitagawa, Shogo Okamatsu, Seigo Minami, Tadasuke Ohnishi, and Chikamune Wada, "Coronal Spinal Postural Alignment Screening Tool Using Markerless Digital Photography", Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal, Vol.6, No.2, pp.965-970, 2021/04. DOI: 10.25046/aj0602110
  30. 山本裕晃, 和田親宗, 理学療法学生が考える装具管理に必要な知識と技能, リハビリテーション教育研究, Vol.27, pp.20-25, 2021/03.
  31. Kawthar Abdul Rahman, Siti Anom Ahmad, Azura Che Soh, Asmidawati Ashari, Chikamune Wada and Alpha Agape Gopalai, “The Association of Falls with Instability: An Analysis of Perceptions and Expectations toward the Use of Fall Detection Devices Among Older Adults in Malaysia”, Front. Public Health, 12 February 2021, https://doi.org/10.3389/fpubh.2021.612538.
  32. Kodai Kitagawa, Yoshiki Nishisako, Takayuki Nagasaki, Sota Nakano, Mitsumasa Hida, Shogo Okamatsu and Chikamune Wada, "Regression Equation between Required Force and Lumbar Load of Caregiver in Supporting Standing-up Motion via Computational Musculoskeletal Simulation", Pertanika Journal of Science and Technology, Vol.28, No,S2, pp.59-70, 2020.
  33. Ibai Gorordo Fernandez, Kodai Kitagawa, Kawthar Abdul Rahman, Azura Che Soh, Alpha Agape Gopalai, Siti Anom Ahmad, Chikamune Wada, "Linear Regression Technique for Improvement of Feet Position Estimation During Standing Balance Using a Cane with Millimeter Wave Radar", Pertanika Journal of Science and Technology, Vol.28, No,S2, pp.71-81, 2020.
  34. Kodai Kitagawa, Yu Taguchi , Chikamune Wada, Nobuyuki Toya, "Step Length Estimation Based on Arm Accelerations for Wearable Fall Prevention Systems", International Journal of Applied Biomedical Engineering, Vol.13, No.2, pp.29-35, 2020/12.
  35. Romy Budhi Widodo, Agustinus Bohaswara Haryasena, Hendry Setiawan, Paulus Lucky Tirma Irawan, Mochamad Subianto, and Chikamune Wada, “Design and evaluation of upper arm mouse using inertial sensor for human-computer interaction, Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, Vol. 15, No. 6 (2020) 3673 – 3690, 2020/12.
  36. Mitsumasa Hida, Chikamune Wada, Ryota Imai, Kodai Kitagawa, Shogo Okamatsu, Tadasuke Ohnishi, Satoshi Kawashima, "Spinal Postural Alignment Measurements Using Markerless Digital Photography", Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery, Vol.28, No.3, pp.1-7, 2020.
  37. Kodai Kitagawa, Koji Matsumoto, Kensuke Iwanaga, Siti Anom Ahmad, Takayuki Nagasaki, Sota Nakano, Mitsumasa Hida, Shogo Okamatsu, and Chikamune Wada, "Posture Recognition Method for Caregivers during Postural Change of a Patient on a Bed using Wearable Sensors", Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal, Vol.5, No.5, pp.1093-1098, 2020/10. (DOI: 10.25046/aj0505133)
  38. 城屋敷健志, 和田親宗, “自己血管内シャント機能評価を目的とした体導音センサの有用性の検証", 医療機器学, Vol.90, No.5, p414-422, 2020/10.
  39. 北川広大,永﨑孝之,中野聡太,肥田光正,岡松将吾,和田 親宗,“保健衛生業における労働災害事例のテキストマイニング解析 -動作の反動・無理な動作による事例を対象として-”,労働安全衛生研究,Vol.13, No.2, pp.139-143, https://doi.org/10.2486/josh.JOSH-2020-0007-TA,2020/09.
  40. Ibai Gorordo Fernandez, Siti Anom Ahmad and Chikamune Wada, “Inertial Sensor-Based Instrumented Cane for Real-Time Walking Cane Kinematics Estimation”, Sensors 2020, 20, 4675; doi:10.3390/s20174675, 2020/08.
  41. Kodai Kitagawa, Takayuki Nagasaki, Sota Nakano, Mitsumasa Hida, Shogo Okamatsu and Chikamune Wada, "Optimal foot-position of caregiver based on muscle activity of lower back and lower limb while providing standing-up motion support ", Journal of Physical Therapy Science, Vol.32, No.8, pp.534-540, 2020/08.
  42. Sota Nakano, Hirotaka Okada, Shigeyoshi Higo, Kouichi Nakamura, Kodai Kitagawa and Chikamune Wada, "Usefulness of a simulated experience method for transfer assistance for hemiplegia or limited range of motion in multiple joints", Journal of Physical Therapy Science, Vol.32, No.8, pp.541-544, 2020/08.
  43. Mohamad Aizat Abdul Wahit, Siti Anom Ahmad, Mohammad Hamiruce Marhaban, Chikamune Wada and Lila Iznita Izhar, “3D Printed Robot Hand Structure Using Four-Bar Linkage Mechanism for Prosthetic Application”, Sensors, 20(15), 4174; https://doi.org/10.3390/s20154174, 2020/07.
  44. Watcharin Tangsuksant and Chikamune Wada, “Obstacle Height Estimation Related to Suitable Viewpoint while Waiting for the Bus Using Color Moment Technique”, IJMLC 2020 Vol.10(3): 495-500 ISSN: 2010-3700, DOI: 10.18178/ijmlc.2020.10.3.963, 2020/05.
  45. Koji Sakamoto, Kodai Kitagawa, Yuji Katae, Naoki Chijiwa, Aki Kuwazono, Hisashi Arizono, Chikamune Wada, "Measurement System for the Clothing Pressure of a Spinal Orthosis using Multiple Pressure Sensors", Journal of Mechanical and Electrical Intelligent System, 3(1),
    1-9, 2020.
  46. Mitsumasa Hida, Misa Nakamura, Masakazu Imaoka, Hidetoshi Nakao, Fumie Tasaki, Tomoko Omizu, Masatoshi Takeda, Tadasuke Ohnishi, and Chikamune Wada, “Effects of the Characteristics and Duration of Chronic Pain on Psychosomatic Function in the Community-Dwelling Elderly Population”, Pain Research and Management, vol. 2020, Article ID 4714527, 5 pages, https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/4714527, 2020.
  47. Ahmed M. M. Almassri, Wan Zuha Wan Hasan, Chikamune Wada and Keiichi Horio, “Evaluation of a Commercial Force Sensor for Real Time Applications”, ICIC Express Letters, Part B: Applications, 11(5), 421-426, DOI: 10.24507/icicelb.11.05.421, 2020/05.
  48. 西迫善希 ,永﨑孝之 ,和田親宗,“松葉杖歩行時の脊柱側屈と肩関節外転の関係について“,理学療法科学,35(1),41-47,2020.
  49. 永﨑孝之,二宮省悟,赤木海斗,秋山ゆり,一丸貴代香,内山優,工藤孝彦,近藤佑吏,菅原菜央,中尾文香,平井莉麻,水上健太,吉村大輔,和田親宗,“松葉杖長推計法の妥当性の検証と新しい推計法の提案”,リハビリテーション・エンジニアリング,35,1,27-33,2020.
  50. Tadasuke Ohnishi, Mitsumasa Hida, Takayuki Nagasaki and Chikamune Wada, “Reliability of laser-assisted hindfoot alignment evaluation”, J Phys Ther Sci. 2020 Jan; 32(1): 38–41. Published online 2020 Jan 22. doi: 10.1589/jpts.32.38.
  51. 肥田光正,今岡真和,中村美砂,中尾秀俊,田崎史江,生水智子,武田雅俊,山坂宏太,大西忠輔,和田親宗,“地域在住高齢者における慢性痛の保有期間と心身機能の関係”,慢性疼痛,38(1),229-233,2019.
  52. Kodai Kitagawa, Tsuyoshi Uezono, Takayuki Nagasaki, Sota Nakano, Chikamune Wada, “Relationship between surface electromyography of the spinae erector muscles and subjectively adjusted step length in the supporting standing-up motion”, Journal of Physical Therapy Science, 31, 11, 869-872, 2019. DOI https://doi.org/10.1589/jpts.31.869.
  53. Takeshi Joyashiki and Chikamune Wada, “Validation of a Body-Conducted Sound Sensor for Respiratory Sound Monitoring and a Comparison with Several Sensors”, Sensors, 20(3), 942; https://doi.org/10.3390/s20030942, 2020.
  54. Wahit, Mohamad Aizat Abdul, Fatimahtul Zahrah Romzi, Siti Anom Ahmad, Mohd Hamiruce Marhaban, and Chikamune Wada, "Development of Real-Time Electromyography Controlled 3D Printed Robot Hand Prototype", International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering Systems, Vol.10, No.1, pp.35-44, 2019/12.
  55. Sota Nakano, Hirotaka Okada, Shigeyoshi Higo, Kouichi Nakamura, Kodai Kitagawa, Chikamune Wada, “Usefulness of simulation method to improve efficiency of chair-to-wheelchair transfer of patients performed by caregivers,” Journal of Physical Therapy Science, Volume 31 Issue 10 Pages 802-806, 2019. DOI https://doi.org/10.1589/jpts.31.802
  56. R.B.Widodo, R.M.Quita, S.Amrizal, R.S.Gunawan, C.Wada, A.Ardiansyah, I.Sutrisno, M.B.Rahmat, A.Z.Arfianto, C.R.Handoko, A.D.Santoso, A.W.B.Santosa, V.Y.P.Ardhana, and E.Setiawan, “Grasping and Attached Mode in Human-Computer Interaction in the Study of Mouse Substitution”, Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1196 (2019) 012034 (6pages). DOI:10.1088/1742-6596/1196/1/012034
  57. 西迫善希,永﨑孝之,和田親宗,「松葉杖の脇当て保持に関わる筋活動の解析」,理学療法科学,Vol.34, No.2, pp.199-204, 2019. DOI https://doi.org/10.1589/rika.34.199
  58. Kodai Kitagawa, Yoshiki Nishisako, Takayuki Nagasaki, Sota Nakano, Chikamune Wada, “Musculoskeltal Simulation of the Relationship between Foot Position and Stress of the L4–L5 Joint in Supporting Standing-up Motion to Prevent Low Back Pain Among Caregivers”, Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, Vol.19, No.2, Paper ID:1940016 (7pages), 2019. DOI (https://doi.org/10.1142/S0219519419400165)
  59. Watcharin Tangsuksant, Masashi Noda, Kodai Kitagawa, and Chikamune Wada, “Viewpoint Classification for the Bus-Waiting Blinds in Congested Traffic Environment”, International Journal of Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Systems, Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 48-58, March 2019. (http://doi.org/10.5391/IJFIS.2019.19.1.48)
  60. Romy Budhi Widodo, Reyna Marsya Quita, Rhesdyan Setiawan, and Chikamune Wada, “A study of hand-movement gestures to substitute for mouse-cursor placement using an inertial sensor,” Journal of Sensors and Sensor Systems, 8, 95–104, 2019.
  61. Kisuke Iwasaki, Gen Okuya, Yoshiki Nishisako, Naoki Chijiwa, Hisashi Arizono, Chikamune Wada, “Evaluation of upper limb muscle load in lower-limb amputees during ladder climbing,” International Journal of New Technology and Research, Volume 5, Issue 1, pp.33-39, 2019.
  62. Tadasuke Ohnishi, Mitsumasa Hida, Takayuki Nagasaki, Chikamune Wada, Novel method for evaluation of frontal plane knee alignment using bony prominences in patients with osteoarthritis. J. Phys. Ther. Sci. 30, 1168–1172, 2018.
  63. 城屋敷健志,和田親宗,「等価回路モデルを用いた体導音センサの周波数特性推定」,生体医工学,56(2),44-51,2018.
  64. Watcharin Tangsuksant and Chikamune Wada, “Classification of Viewpoints Related to Bus Waiting for the Assistance of Blind People”, International Journal of New Technology and Research (IJNTR), 4(9), 43-52, 2018. (DOI:10.31871/IJNTR.4.9.16).
  65. Ahmed M. M. Almassri, Wan Zuha Wan Hasan, Siti Anom Ahmad, Suhaidi Shafie, Chikamune Wada and Keiichi Horio, “Self-Calibration Algorithm for a Pressure Sensor with a Real-Time Approach Based on an Artificial Neural Network”, Sensors, 18(8), 2561, https://doi.org/10.3390/s18082561, 2018.
  66. Fang Jin, Takayuki Nagasaki, Chikamune Wada, “New estimation model of the initial lower limb angle to improve angle estimation during the extension phase of standing-up movement”, Journal of Physical Therapy Science, 30, 5, 669-674, 2018
  67. Tadasuke Ohnishi, Mitsumasa Hida, Yukio Nakamura, and Chikamune Wada, "Novel method for evaluation of hindfoot alignment in weight-bearing position using laser beam", Journal of Physical Therapy Science, Vol.30, No.3, 474-478, 2018.
  68. Fang Jin, Takayuki Nagasaki, and, Chikamune Wada, “An estimation of knee and ankle joint angles during extension phase of standing up motion performed using an inertial sensor”, J. Phys. Ther. Sci. 29: 1171–1175, 2017.
  69. N. F. Elya Saidon, Chikamune Wada, Siti A. Ahmad, Ribhan Zafira Abdul, Rahman, Kiyotaka Eguchi, Yoshiyuki Tomiyama and Farida Izni Abd Rahman, “Real-time Human Motion Analysis and Grasping Force using the OptiTrack System and Flexi-force Sensor”, Pertanika J. Sci. & Technol., Vol.25, No.1, pp.71-78, 2017.
  70. Ahmed M. M. ALmassri, Chikamune Wada, W. Z. Wan Hasan and S. A. Ahmad, “Auto-Grasping Algorithm of Robot Gripper Based on Pressure Sensor Measurement”, Pertanika J. Sci. & Technol., Vol.25, No.2, pp.113-122, 2017.
  71. Romy Budhi Widodo and Chikamune Wada, “Artificial Neural Network Based Step-Length Prediction Using Ultrasonic Sensors from Simulation to Implementation in Shoe-Type Measurement Device,” Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics, Vol.21, No.2, pp. 321-329, 2017. (doi: 10.20965/jaciii.2017.p0321)
  72. Chikamune Wada and Shuichi Ino, "Study of the Relationship Between Sit-to-Stand Activity and Seat Orientation", Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics, Vol.21, No.2, pp. 337-341, 2017. (doi: 10.20965/jaciii.2017.p0337)
  73. Romy B. Widodo and C. Wada, “Attitude Estimation using Kalman Filtering: External Acceleration Compensation Considerations," Volume 2016, Article ID 6943040, (24 pages), http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2016/6943040, Journal of Sensors, 2016.
  74. Takayuki Nagasaki, Hiroshi Katoh, Hisashi Arizono, Hikaru Chijimatsu, Naoki Chijiwa, Takaaki Onda and Chikamune Wada, “Analysis of Crutch Position in the Horizontal Plane to confirm the stability of the axillary pad for safe double-crutch walking”, Journal of Physical Therapy Science, Vol.28, No.5, pp.1438-1442, 2016.
  75. Sota Nakano and Chikamune Wada, The influence that electrical stimulation presence gives for the adduction muscles activity of the hip joint under the maximum effort, Journal of Physical Therapy Science, Vol.28, No.5, pp.1633-1635, 2016.
  76. Sota Nakano and Chikamune Wada, The influence of antagonist muscle electrical stimulation on maximal hip adduction force,Journal of Physical Therapy Science, Vol.28, No.1, pp.124-127, 2016.
  77. Mitsuru Sato, Noriyo Takahashi, Shinichi Yoshimura, Kazuhiko Yamashita,Chikamune Wada, Shuichi Ino, Akiko Higuchi, Tomoyasu Fukui, and Tsutomu Hirano, A new device for foot sensory examination employing auto-presentation of shear force stimuli against the skin, Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering, Vol. 10, No.2, Paper No.14-00487, pp. 1-11, 2015
  78. 中野聡太・和田親宗・加藤浩,介助者の足部位置が要移乗介助者の立ち上がる力に及ぼす影響,理学療法科学,第30巻,第5号(通巻131号),725-728, 2015
  79. Ahmed M. Almassri, W. Z. Wan Hasan, S. A. Ahmad, A. J. Ishak, A. M. Ghazali, D. N. Talib, and Chikamune Wada, Pressure Sensor: State of the Art, Design, and Application for Robotic Hand, Journal of Sensors, Volume 2015, Article ID 846487, 2015
  80. Takayuki Nagasaki, Hiroshi Katoh, Hisashi Arizono, Hikaru Chijimatsu, Naoki Chijiwa and Chikamune Wada, Analysis of Crutch Position in the Horizontal Plane to Estimate the Stability of the Axillary Pad in the Axilla during Single-crutch Walking, J. Phys. Ther. Sci, 26, 1753-1756, 2014
  81. 永崎孝之・加藤浩・岡田裕隆・有薗央・千々松光・千々和直樹・和田親宗,松葉杖歩行における手掌部疼痛に関する基礎研究,リハビリテーション・エンジニアリング,29,2,100-106,2014
  82. 和田親宗・和田太・杉村行信・家永貴史・木室義彦・辻卓則・蜂須賀研二、歩行訓練支援のための靴型無線情報取得装置の改良、電子情報通信学会和文論文誌B、Vol.J95-B, No.11, pp.1499-1507, 2012
  83. Chikamune Wada, Yukinobu Sugimura, Takafumi Ienaga, Yoshihiko Kimuro, Basic Research on the Method of Presenting Distance Information to the Blind by Means of Gait Measurement, Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering, 31(4), 283-287, 2011
  84. 萩原(曽我)知絵・和田親宗、指尖容積脈波による精神性ストレス評価法の提案、電子情報通信学会論文誌、Vol.J94-A、No.1、44-45、2011
  85. 岩崎泰典・堀尾寛・和田親宗、手のひらの冷覚知覚特性を考慮した仮現運動生成のための刺激呈示法、ライフサポート学会誌、Vol.22、No.4、160-167、2010
  86. Chikamune Wada, Basic Study on Presenting Distance Information to the Blind for Navigation, ICIC Express Letters, vol.4, No.3(A), 713-717, 2010
  87. 曽我知絵・三宅晋司・和田親宗、計算課題遂行における自律神経系指標の変化、人間工学、Vol.45、No.5、294-302、2009
  88. 曽我知絵・三宅晋司・和田親宗、難易度の異なる計算課題遂行時における感情変化と生理反応の関係、人間工学、Vol.45、No.1、29-35、2009
  89. 杉村行信・落石孝祐・和田親宗、椅子からの立ち上がり動作推定を目的とした足底情報と身体位置との関係、計測自動制御学会論文集、Vol.43、No.4、331-337、2007
  90. 阿曽沼樹・松本三千人・和田親宗、視覚障害者歩行支援のための頭部への触覚刺激による方向呈示、電子情報通信学会 論文誌D、Vol.J90-D、No.3、815-819、2007
  91. 阿曽沼樹・松本三千人・和田親宗、顔面への触覚刺激による方向呈示、ヒューマンインタフェース学会論文誌、第8巻、第4号、65-74、2006
  92. Shinji Tasaki, Takehisa Matushita, Kazuhiro Koshi, Chikamune Wada and Hiroaki Koga, Sense of Virtual Reality: Effectiveness of Replacing 3D Imagery with 2D/3D Hybrid Imagery, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, E88-D, 5, 851-858, 2005
  93. 田崎新二・安東哲也・合志和洋・古賀宏昭・和田親宗、3次元ステレオ映像の感性向上表示サイズと左右映像の大きさずれによる疲労特性、映像情報メディア学会誌、57、12、1717-1726、2003
  94. Chikamune Wada, Hisakazu Shoji and Tohru Ifukube
    "Development and evaluation of a tactile display for a tactile vocoder",
    Technology and Disability, 11, 3, 151-160, 1999
  95. 和田親宗、庄司寿一、伊福部達
    ヒューマンインタフェース学会誌、vol.1, no.3, 29-34, 1999
  96. 井野秀一・伊福部達・和田親宗・敦賀健志・泉隆・田中敏明、触覚の材質感呈示システムのための基礎的研究、電気学会論文誌C分冊, 117巻, 8号, pp.1062-1068, 1997.
  97. Chikamune Wada, Shuichi Ino and Tohru Ifukube
    "Dependency of the skin temperature of the threshold and the quality of the tactile sensation -a basic study for tactile aids-"
    Transactions of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, vol.32, no.11, 1566/1568, 1996
  98. Chikamune Wada, Shuichi Ino and Tohru Ifukube
    "Comparative study of adaptation phenomena between vibratory stimulation and Braille like stimulation for tactile communication"
    Transactions of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, vol.32, no.8, pp.1304-1306, 1996
  99. 和田親宗 井野秀一 伊福部達
    電子情報通信学会論文誌A分冊, 78(3), pp.305-313, 1995