Hibikino-Musashi@Home (HMA) develops robot systems (TAMr-M and SABO) and HSR software, including AI systems.
Human Support Robot (HSR)
HSR is the home service robot developed by Toyota. The AI and software research using HSR as a research platform is conducted in universities and research institutes worldwide. The HSR is adopted as a standard platform in the competition, such as RoboCup and WRC.

The vision system of the robot is fundamental for each task of the robot. We use two approaches, YOLO and Grounding DINO. YOLO is a powerful object detection system, and we finetuned the YOLO system with our dataset generator. Grounding DINO is the model that can be tuned by text prompt. This system is used depending on the task of the robot.
We also focus on the interaction function of the robot. Through the development of the Restaurant task, we improve the communication function of the robot.
TAMr-M(Transportable AI-driven Mobile robot for Manipulation) is a robot developed by HMA. The robot is composed of commercialized products, including Kachaka. This transportable robot is being developed to be the next-gen standard platform.
- Manipulator
- MyCobotPro600
- Mobile base
- Kachaka
- Frame
- Kachaka Shelf
- The top layer is replaced with a dedicated place
- Computer
- ROG Zephyrus M16 GU604VY
- RGB-D camera
- Gemini 336
- End effector
- Adaptive gripper
- Battery
- LiFePO4 battery (BLUETTI AC50B)

SABO is a service robot for nursing care facilities. In particular, we are developing robot hardware and software to automate indirect nursing care tasks such as meal delivery and pick-up, as well as peripheral tasks such as trash disposal and clean-up. We are aiming to realize smooth communication by attaching a large vertical display to TriBase, a sphere-driven mobile cart developed by TriOrb, a start-up company from Kyutech.

[1] 小林遼平, 渡辺太貴, 有村幸峻, 吉村航, 藤野友彰, 水谷彰伸, 磯本航世, 丸野稜雅, 寺島凌, 山口紘正, 田中悠一朗, 田向権, “TAMr-M(Transportable AI-driven Mobile robot for Manipulation)の開発,” 第12回インテリジェントホームロボティクス研究会, 2024.