In March 2025, the 6th International Symposium on Neuromorphic AI Hardware will be organized by the Society for Neuromorphic AI Hardware and supported by the Research Center for Neuromorphic AI Hardware, Kyushu Institute of Technology. The aim of the symposium is to provide an opportunity to present and discuss the latest research regarding Neuromorphic AI Hardware.
Symposium: March 3rd (Mon) – 4th (Tue), 2025
Special Events: March 1st (Sat), 2025: Joint Symposium at Toyo University March 5th (Wed), 2025: VIP Excursion
Please reserve your accommodation (the committee will not prepare for participants).
Invited talk
Oral session
Poster Session
Registration is required to participate in the symposium (even if you are a presenter or a virtual participant). The registration form and the payment system will be open soon.
Abstract Submission
We invite the submission of original research contributions relating to neuromorphic AI hardware. Authors willing to present may submit a 1-page abstract using the following template via the following submission form by the deadline. The submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the committee and accepted ones will be assigned either oral presentation or poster presentation.
Topics are as follows: – Material Engineering – Electric Circuit System – Computational Model – Robotics – Others related to neuromorphic AI hardware
The regulation is as follows: – Manuscript must be written in English. – Manuscript must be one page of A4. – Top, bottom, left, and right margins must be 35.01mm, 30mm, 30mm, and 30mm, respectively. – Font must be Times New Roman. – Font size of title must be 14pt (bold). – Font size of authors must be 12pt. – Font size of other areas must be 10pt. – Title, authors, and affiliations must be included. – Acknowledgment and references can be included. – Figures and tables can be included. – Manuscript must be a PDF smaller than 1MB.
Please use the following template for the manuscript.
If you have a problem regarding the submission of your manuscript, please contact the secretariat (neumorph-center[at]
Please present in English. Presentation time will be notified in the e-mail of notification of acceptance.
Oral presentation (In-person) Please prepare a computer compatible with HDMI output. The computer will be connected to a streaming device via HDMI cable and your slide show will be broadcasted to a venue screen and Zoom (therefore, in-person presenters do not need to install Zoom client on the computer).
Please avoid using optical laser pointers because the pointer will not be broadcasted to Zoom. Please use software laser pointer functions (e.g. laser pointer of MS PowerPoint) instead of them. We will also prepare Logicool SPOTLIGHT PRESENTATION REMOTE (driver installation is required).
Oral presentation (Virtual) Please prepare a computer compatible with Zoom. Your slide show, video, and voice will be broadcasted to the venue and Zoom. Therefore, virtual presenters need to install Zoom client on the computer.
Poster presentation (In-person only) Please prepare a poster of A0 size (vertical orientation). Posters will be pinned by thumbtacks (the committee will prepare).
Student Presentation Award
Chair Hirofumi Tanaka (Kyushu Institute of Technology)
Vice Chair Hakaru Tamukoh (Kyushu Institute of Technology)
Executive Committee
Katsumi Tateno (Kyushu Institute of Technology) Yoichi Horibe (Kyushu Institute of Technology) Terumasa Tokunaga (Kyushu Institute of Technology) Yasuhiro Fukuma (Kyushu Institute of Technology) Yuki Usami (Kyushu Institute of Technology) Yuichiro Tanaka (Kyushu Institute of Technology)
Muzhen Xu (Kyushu Institute of Technology)
Aki Fujita (Kyushu Institute of Technology) Mamiko Yonehara (Kyushu Institute of Technology) Mizuho Shimoda (Kyushu Institute of Technology)
Public Relation
Keiichiro Yonezawa (Kyushu Institute of Technology)
Apr 21: The time schedule is published. Apr 9: The committee is updated. Apr 2: The registration form is open. Mar 30: The website is open.
About Symposium
In May 2024, an international symposium, Materials Meet Robots 2024, will be organized by the Society for Neuromorphic AI Hardware. The aim of the symposium is to provide an opportunity for discussion with researchers of material science and robotics and to make new ideas for research collaborations.
May 7th (Tuesday) – 8th (Wednesday): Symposium May 9th (Thursday): Excursion (only for invited speakers)
May 7th, 13:30-14:15 JST (UTC+9) Prof. Wilfred G. van der Wiel (University of Twente) “Material Intelligence”
May 7th, 15:55-16:40 JST (UTC+9) Prof. Konrad Szaciłowski (AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków) “Computing in the times of Apocalypse: A new face of old compounds for unconventional memristive devices”
May 8th, 16:00-16:45 JST (UTC+9) Prof. Zdenka Kuncic (University of Sydney) “Mimicking the physical brain with self-assembled memristive networks: Towards adaptive online machine learning for robotics”
Invited talk
May 8th, 14:50-15:20 JST (UTC+9) Prof. Takuya Matsumoto (Osaka University) “Molecular Systems for Neuromorphic Computations”
Oral session (20 min per person)
Oral session 1: May 7th, 14:15-15:35 JST (UTC+9) Mr. Thien Tan Dang (Kyushu Institute of Technology) “Examining the Ability to Retrieve Historical Data Attributes in an Ag/Ag2S Nanoparticle Network Reservoir Computing”
Mr. Arie Rachmad Syulistyo (Kyushu Institute of Technology) “American Sign Language Recognition by Reservoir Computing with a Combination of Multiple Reservoirs and Self-Organizing Multiple Readouts”
Dr. John Rex Mohan (Kyushu Institute of Technology) “Information Processing Capacity of Coupled Spin Hall Oscillators”
Mr. Yusuke Miyajima (Waseda University) “Proposed computational models of Amoeba-inspired combinatorial optimization machines towards the physical implementation”
Oral session 2: May 8th, 10:40-11:40 JST (UTC+9) Mr. Ahmet Karacali (Kyushu Institute of Technology) “Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients Feature Extracted Voice Recognition Task Using Atomic Switch Ag/Ag2S Device-Based Time-Delayed Reservoir Computing”
Ms. Yuka Shishido (Kyushu Institute of Technology) “CMOS digital-analog mixed signal VLSI implementation of a hippocampus-inspired model”
Mr. Aoto Sasaki (Osaka University) “Attempt at character recognition based on the properties of a {Mo_(154/152)}-ring”
Oral session 3: May 8th, 15:20-15:40 JST (UTC+9) Dr. Yuya Ishizaki (Rikkyo University) “Nonlinear Electronic Characteristics of Conjugated Polymer Monolayer Networks”
Poster discussion: May 8th, 13:00-14:30 JST (UTC+9) Robot Demonstration: May 8th, 9:30-10:30 JST (UTC+9)
Registration is required to participate in the symposium. If you would like to cancel the registration, please contact the secretariat (neumorph-center[at]
Registration fee: 0 JPY Deadline for registration: April 24th, 2024
We also invite poster presentations of research contributions relating to neuromorphic AI hardware (you can reuse posters presented at the 5th International Symposium on Neuromorphic AI Hardware if you want). Participants willing to present may check “willing to present in the poster session” and enter the presentation title in the following registration form. Abstract submission is not required.
Topics are as follows: – Material Engineering – Electric Circuit System – Computational Model – Robotics – Others related to neuromorphic AI hardware
Please present in English. The presentation time will be notified later.
Oral presentation Please prepare a computer compatible with HDMI output.
Poster presentation Please prepare a poster of A0 size (vertical orientation). Posters will be pinned by thumbtacks (the committee will prepare).
The Society for Neuromorphic AI Hardware
Chair Hirofumi Tanaka (Kyushu Institute of Technology)
Vice Chair Hakaru Tamukoh (Kyushu Institute of Technology)
Secretariat Yuki Usami (Kyushu Institute of Technology) Yuichiro Tanaka (Kyushu Institute of Technology) Aki Fujita (Kyushu Institute of Technology) Mamiko Yonehara (Kyushu Institute of Technology)
March 28th: Info about call for papers – NOLTA, IEICE is updated. March 3rd: Info about student paper award is updated. Feb 26th: Info about registration is updated. Feb 21st: Info about oral & poster session is updated. Feb 16th: Info about sponsor is updated. Feb 9th: Time schedule is updated. Feb 5th: Info about sponsor is updated. Feb 2nd: The deadline for abstract submission is extended. Jan 30th: Info about payment method is updated. Jan 29th: Info about invited speakers is updated. Jan 16th: Info about invited speakers and committee is updated. Jan 10th: The registration form is open. Dec 10th: The abstract submission form is open. Dec 7th: Info about invited speakers and abstract submission deadline is updated. Dec 6th: Info about call for papers – NOLTA, IEICE is updated. Nov 30th: The website is open.
About Symposium
In March 2024, the 5th International Symposium on Neuromorphic AI Hardware will be organized by the Research Center for Neuromorphic AI Hardware, Kyushu Institute of Technology. The aim of the symposium is to provide an opportunity to present and discuss the latest research regarding Neuromorphic AI Hardware.
Please reserve your own accommodation (the committee will not prepare for participants).
Invited Talk
Day & Time: March 1st, 13:30-14:10 JST (UTC+9) Prof. Carlo Ricciardi (Politecnico di Torino) “Self-organizing Nanowire Networks for Reservoir Computing and Memory Encoding”
Day & Time: March 1st, 17:00-17:40 JST (UTC+9) Dr. Koji Terada (Preferred Robotics, Inc.) “Kachaka: Revolutionizing Home and Business Environments with Advanced Autonomous Service Robotics”
Day & Time: March 2nd, 14:45-15:25 JST (UTC+9) Prof. Jordi Madrenas (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya) “Progress on Digital Hardware for Spiking Neural Networks: Plasticity, Model Experiments and Scalability Considerations”
Day & Time: March 2nd, 15:40-16:20 JST (UTC+9) Dr. Kazuya Terabe (National Institute of Material Science) “Ionic Nanoarchitectonics for the Creation of Neuromorphic Devices with Various Functions”
Oral Session
Oral Session 1: March 1st, 14:25-15:25 JST (UTC+9)
Prof. Tsuyoshi Hasegawa
Temperature Dependent Operation of a Ag2S Island Network-based Physical Reservoir
Ms. Hsiao Woan-Jen
A Novel Near-memory Computing Architecture for Recurrent Neural Networks with SRAM and RRAM
Dr. John Rex Mohan
Information Processing Capacity of Dipolar Coupled Spin Hall Oscillators
Oral Session 2: March 1st, 15:40-16:40 JST (UTC+9)
Dr. Yusuke Sakemi
Spike-Based In-Memory Computing Circuits Using Open Source PDK
Mr. Yinhao Xu
Multivariate Chaotic Time Series Prediction with Neuromorphic Networks
Dr. Gisya Abdi
Impact of Cationic and Anionic Counterparts in Halobismuth(III) Salts on the Functionality of Artificial Synapses
Oral Session 3: March 2nd, 09:30-10:50 JST (UTC+9)
Mr. Naruki Hagiwara
Highly-Integrable Analogue Reservoir Circuits Based on a Simple Cycle Architecture
Mr. Tomoro Marcus Jones
Improvement of Read-out Circuit for Non-volatile Memory Embedded In-memory Computing Architectures
Mr. Keiichi Nakanishi
Bidirectional 2D Reservoir Network for Image Anomaly Detection without any Training
Mr. Rio Tomioka
Numerical Simulation on Wavefront Transformation using Self-referential Holographic Deep Neural Network
Each presentation is 20 minutes (15 minutes talk + 5 minutes Q&A)
Poster Session
Session 1: March 2nd, 10:50-12:00 JST (UTC+9) Session 2: March 2nd, 13:00-14:10 JST (UTC+9)
Registration is required to participate in the symposium (even if you are a presenter or a virtual participant). If you would like to cancel the registration, please contact the secretariat (neumorph-center[at]
Payment for in-person participation: Please pay the registration fee by selecting one of the following options: – Cash at the venue’s reception: Additional cost (5000 JPY) is required. – Online payment system: You may pay by the online payment system even onsite. Please show payment results at the reception.
Payment for virtual participation: Please pay the registration fee via the online payment system.
Plenary/Invited Speaker
In-person (Internal member of Neumorph Center *1)
20000 JPY
In-person (External member of Neumorph Center *2)
20000 JPY
In-person (Full)
20000 JPY
In-person (Student)
5000 JPY
Virtual (Internal member of Neumorph Center *1)
20000 JPY
Virtual (External member of Neumorph Center *2)
10000 JPY
Virtual (Full)
10000 JPY
Virtual (Student)
*1 Internal member of Neumorph Center is a staff working at Kyutech and belonging to Neumorph Center *2 External member of Neumorph Center is an advisor of Neumorph Center, not working at Kyutech
Note that you need to select “[Participant] Registration fee” in New Registration in the online payment system.
Abstract Submission
We invite the submission of original research contributions relating to neuromorphic AI hardware. Authors willing to present may submit 1-page abstract using the following template via the following submission form by the deadline. The submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the committee and accepted ones will be assigned either oral presentation or poster presentation.
Topics are as follows: – Material Engineering – Electric Circuit System – Computational Model – Robotics – Others related to neuromorphic AI hardware
The regulation is as follows: – Manuscript must be written in English. – Manuscript must be one page of A4. – Top, bottom, left, and right margins must be 35.01mm, 30mm, 30mm, and 30mm, respectively. – Font must be Times New Roman. – Font size of title must be 14pt (bold). – Font size of authors must be 12pt. – Font size of other areas must be 10pt. – Line spacing must be one line. – Title, authors, and affiliations must be included. – Acknowledgment and references can be included. – Figures and tables can be included. – Manuscript must be a PDF smaller than 1MB.
Please use the following template (MS Word) for the manuscript.
If you have a problem regarding the submission of your manuscript, please contact the secretariat (neumorph-center[at]
February 2nd (Friday), 2024 February 23rd (Friday), 2024
Deadline for registration (Virtual)
February 29th (Thursday), 2024
Deadline for abstract submission
February 2nd (Friday), 2024 16:00 JST on February 9th (Friday), 2024 16:00 JST on February 16th (Friday), 2024
Notification of acceptance
February 13th (Tuesday), 2024
Presentation Instruction
Please present in English. Presentation time will be notified in the e-mail of notification of acceptance.
Oral presentation (In-person) Please prepare a computer compatible with HDMI output. The computer will be connected to a streaming device via HDMI cable and your slide show will be broadcasted to a venue screen and Zoom (therefore, in-person presenters do not need to install Zoom client on the computer).
Please avoid using optical laser pointers because the pointer will not be broadcasted to Zoom. Please use software laser pointer functions (e.g. laser pointer of MS PowerPoint) instead of them. We will also prepare Logicool SPOTLIGHT PRESENTATION REMOTE (driver installation is required).
Oral presentation (Virtual) Please prepare a computer compatible with Zoom. Your slide show, video, and voice will be broadcasted to the venue and Zoom. Therefore, virtual presenters need to install Zoom client on the computer.
Poster presentation (In-person only) Please prepare a poster of A0 size (vertical orientation). Posters will be pinned by thumbtacks (the committee will prepare).
Student Presentation Award
The Best Student Presentation Award
Kazuki Wada (Kyutech): “Data-driven Posture Control of Tensegrity Manipulator Using IMU Measurements”
Student Presentation Award
Dang Thien Tan (Kyutech): “Examining the Ability to Retrieve Historical Data Attributes in an Ag/Ag2S Nanoparticle Network Reservoir Computing”
Yusuke Nakaoka (Kyutech): “A Study of Reservoir Computing Performance by Orientation Dependence of Poly(3-hexylthiophene-2,5-diyl) Thin Films”
Takafumi Kunimi (Hokkaido Univ.): “A Novel Dynamic Predictive Coding Network with Augmented Direct Feedback Alignment towards its Physical Implementation”
Shohei Tatsumi (Hokkaido Univ.): “Physical Reservoirs Replication using a Small-scale Digital Calibration Reservoir”
Tomoro Marcus Jones (Kyutech): “Improvement of Read-out Circuit for Non-volatile Memory Embedded In-memory Computing Architectures”
Ryuta Toyoda (Kyutech): “High Sensitivity Motion Capture Under Low-light Conditions Using EVS”
Call for Papers – NOLTA, IEICE [Optional]
Neumorph Center organizes the Special Section on Recent Progress in Neuromorphic AI Hardware, Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications (NOLTA), IEICE, which is an open-access journal. The special session is a joint project with the symposium, inviting papers from researchers that are qualified to present their work in the symposium.
The deadline for the paper submission is April 1st April 15th, 2024. Please refer to the call for papers.
Chair Hirofumi Tanaka (Kyushu Institute of Technology)
Vice Chair Hakaru Tamukoh (Kyushu Institute of Technology)
Executive Committee Katsumi Tateno (Kyushu Institute of Technology) Osamu Nomura (Kyushu Institute of Technology) Yoichi Horibe (Kyushu Institute of Technology) Terumasa Tokunaga (Kyushu Institute of Technology) Yasuhiro Fukuma (Kyushu Institute of Technology) Yuki Usami (Kyushu Institute of Technology)
Secretary Yuichiro Tanaka (Kyushu Institute of Technology)
Secretariat Aki Fujita (Kyushu Institute of Technology) – Finance Mamiko Yonehara (Kyushu Institute of Technology) Mizuho Shimoda (Kyushu Institute of Technology)
Call for sponsors We are excited to announce an opportunity for companies to become sponsors for the symposium. By participating as a sponsor, you can show the brand advertisement in the program books and broadcast it to the venue during breaks. Additionally, you can provide a brand logo to put on the website.
Sponsorship fee: 50000 JPY
Please pay the sponsorship fee via the following online payment system. Note that you need to select “[Sponsor] Sponsorship fee” in New Registration.
Nov 21st: The symposium is closed. Nov 8th: The registration is closed. Nov 1st: The registration deadline has been extended. Oct 20th: The schedule is updated. Oct 19th: Company Tour is updated. Oct 11th: The schedule is updated. Sep 13th: The registration form is open. Sep 12th: The website is open.
About Symposium
In November 2023, Core-to-Core Satellite Symposium of MNC 2023 – Materials Meet Robots 2023 – will be organized by Research Center for Neuromorphic AI Hardware, Kyushu Institute of Technology. This symposium is a satellite symposium of 36th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC 2023). The aim of the symposium is to provide an opportunity for discussion with researchers of material science and robotics and to make new ideas for research collaborations.
November 20th (Monday) – 21st (Tuesday), 2023 Day 1: 13:00 – 17:00 JST (UTC+9) Day 2: 09:00 – 16:00 JST (UTC+9)
Day 1 13:30-14:00 Invited talk1 by Prof. Tsuyoshi Hasegawa (Waseda University) Title: Electrolyte-based Physical Reservoir
Day 1 14:00-14:30 Invited talk2 by Prof. Konrad Szacitowski (AGH University of Science and Technology) Title: Reservoir computing for sensing applications
The aim of this ideathon is to come up with new ideas for research collaborations of material science and robotics. Several teams including researchers/students of material science and robotics will be organized, discuss some ideas, and give presentations of the ideas. The presentation will be evaluated and the winner will get an extra prize.
Day 1 15:00-15:10: Introduction Day 1 15:10-15:30: Team building Day 1 15:30-: Discussion Day 2 09:00-11:00: Presentation Day 2 13:00-13:30: Award ceremony
Robot Demonstration
Day 2 11:00-13:00
Participants have lunch while watching a robot working as a waiter at a real restaurant. The other robot with a material-based sensor is presented. These robots are presented by Hibikino-Musashi@Home, which is a robot developing team of Kyushu Institute of Technology.
How to go to the venue
From Fukuoka Airport
1. 6 minutes via Fukuoka City Subway to Hakata Station
2. 30 minutes via JR to Orio Station (Limited express)
3. 15 minutes taxiride or 20 minutes bus to the venue
From Kitakyushu Airport
1. 78 minutes via Airport Bus to Gakken Hibikino
From Hakata Station
1. 30 minutes via JR to Orio Station (Limited express)
2. 15 minutes taxiride or 20 minutes bus to the venue
From Kokura Station
1. 25 minutes via JR to Orio Station
2. 15 minutes taxiride or 20 minutes bus to the venue
If you would like to cancel the registration, please contact the secretariat (neumorph-center[at]
Please pay the registration fee in cash at the venue’s reception.
Internal member of Neumorph Center *1 (Non-student)
5,000 JPY
External member of Neumorph Center *2 (Non-student)
5,000 JPY
Non-member (Non-student)
5,000 JPY
*1 Internal member of Neumorph Center is a staff working at Kyutech and belonging to Neumorph Center *2 External member of Neumorph Center is an advisory member of Neumorph Center If you are not sure if you are a member or not, please contact the center.
Hirofumi Tanaka (Kyushu Institute of Technology) Hakaru Tamukoh (Kyushu Institute of Technology) Yuki Usami (Kyushu Institute of Technology) Yuichiro Tanaka (Kyushu Institute of Technology)
Katsunori Tamai (Kyutech), “Performance Evaluation of a Reservoir Reinforcement Learning Model Considering Nonlinear Write Characteristics of Analog Memory”
Student Presentation Awards
Keiichi Nakanishi (Kyutech), “Distribution-Free Semi-Supervised Cost Function with a Class-Prior Probability”
Ikuya Matsumoto (Kyutech), “Proposal of Robust Multimodal Learning Model for Object Classification”
Kouki Kimizuka (Kyutech), “Weight and position detection by reservoir inspired in-sensor computing device made of CNT-PDMS nanocomposites”
Yuka Shishido (Kyutech), “CMOS VLSI implementation of a hippocampal conjunctive place-cue cells network”
Akinobu Mizutani (Kyutech), “Hardware-oriented Brain-inspired Model with Memory Accumulation and Recall Functions to Generate Actions of Home Service Robots”
Yuga Yano (Kyutech), “A Visualization System of Personal Characteristics for Human-Robot Interaction in RoboCup@Home”